Super Shakers are those extraordinary people that have expanded their minds and palates to explore the endless possibilities of UNCLE STEVE'S SHAKE. They have stretched the boundaries of their eating experiences, thus making their lives even more full of JOY, PLEASURE, and of course, HAPPiNESS. They are both loving and open enough to share their culinary adventure with the world. So here you go. See what sounds GREAT!
You can also check us out on YouTube Uncle Steve's Shake. Look for my Picture. There are some GREAT videos under the "Shake Cooking" section on the left-hand side.
Man, that was tough to write without repeating any of the massive words. Thank God for spell-checking.
NOTE: In most any of these recipes, SpicyR Shake or ThicK MeaT Shake can be subbed for Original depending on what you like. I would never be so bold as to tell you what you should like.