Here are some ways to enjoy your UNCLE STEVE'S SHAKE even more...if that is possible. If you have a way that is not listed, let me know, and I'll list it.
Always start with a little SHAKE and then add more SHAKE to your liking. You can always add more. It is pretty hard to pick off the small pieces if you add too much.
Steak and other meats: Shake a little SHAKE on both sides and let it sit for a bit. Grill as you like it. I like mine medium-rare (make a note for when you invite me over). When you take the meat off the grill, shake a little bit more SHAKE on both sides and let it sit for a minute or two before serving. Never leave the meat on too long. If it's done on the grill, it will be overcooked on the plate. Food doesn't stop cooking just because you take it off the fire. Keep the shaker of SHAKE on the table for when you want a little more SHAKE. You can't beat that!
Popcorn, Chips, etc.:
This one is easy. Face South and shake some SHAKE all over whatever it is you are going to eat. If it is in a bag, keep facing South, close the bag and jump up and down. This distributes the SHAKE evenly. It also gives your friends a good laugh.
Facing the South just makes everything taste better.
Some things just go better together. Red meats and red wine, white meats and white wine, bacon and everything. There is a preferred beverage that brings out the full flavors of UNCLE STEVE'S SHAKE. It's called BEER. Many different kinds of beer give a slightly different experience, but the two best Beers we have found are COLD and FREE. Try to enjoy these with UNCLE STEVE'S SHAKE as much as possible. GOOD LUCK!
Check out hundreds of great COOKING WITH SHAKE videos on our YouTube Channel
Do not cook the food in the SHAKE. Cook your food the way it is supposed to be prepared. About a minute before it is done, drain the liquids and shake in some SHAKE. Give it a few stirs and maybe add a spoon of butter.
Be patient. All good things come in time. Do not shake the SHAKE in right away. A tiny bit is ok, but so that you know, tasty seasonings burn just like food does. Cook your food the way you usually would. Only before it is done, turn the fire down and shake in some SHAKE. Mix, Stir, or Flip. Add a little more SHAKE.
(Shrimp, Craws, Oysters, Crab, Lobster, etc.)
WAY 1. Layout a plate or napkin next to you. Shake some SHAKE out on the plate or napkin. Open your bounty and tap the meat to a small spot of the SHAKE. ENJOY!
Way 2. Melt some butter in the micro. Shake a thin layer of SHAKE on the top of the liquid heaven. Dip your fingers in the melted butter and SHAKE while holding the bounty. Stuff it in your mouth and repeat it.
Do NOT shake any SHAKE on things still in shells (or wrappers for that matter). The SHAKE will not go through the shells; thus, the meat will not taste it's very best....ever.